“as a former Crossfit athlete I had gotten so much misinformation about food and tried both paleo and zone diets. Without consideration of portion control, I just ate to “fuel” my body and slowly started putting on quite a bit of fat in my arms and legs when combined with muscle just made me look really bulky and chubby. I found Frank through a friend and dove into his program and immediately started seeing results. After 5 years in the fitness industry, he was the first person to completely restructure my perspective and relationship with food. He has been with me every step of the way and never gave up on me when I flew off the wagon, he only encouraged my focus and pushed me to the be the best I can be. By personal choice I no longer do Crossfit and now just focus on a structured body building routine and with frank I have built the proportional, lean and fit body I’ve always dreamed of.”
Samia Abdeen