
“The idea of starving myself, to a girl who likes to eat, is never a lasting solution.”

For the first time in my life people are actually saying how skinny I am. I have never been called skinny! I know now that starving yourself never works, I am not hungry with Frank’s program. Now that I know how to treat my body, which isn’t through starvation, I can look at my body and see the positive changes. I am forever grateful to Frank, and when people ask about my weight loss, I simply reply, “It’s Frank’s program.”

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“…restructure my perspective and relationship with food”

as a former Crossfit athlete I had gotten so much misinformation about food and tried both paleo and zone diets. Without consideration of portion control, I just ate to “fuel” my body and slowly started putting on quite a bit of fat in my arms and legs when combined with muscle just made me look really bulky and chubby.

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“it was amazing to see the transformation of our bodies…”

I had never had a problem with weight, but each year over the last several my weight crept up. I’d tell myself I was just getting older and it was only a few pounds; however, one day in December 2013 I looked in the mirror I didn’t recognize my body, I was suddenly pear shaped.

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